A one-day festival in Guelph’s Grooviest Neighbourhood, Sept. 21st 2024, Studio Tour 11 am. – 4 pm.
September 7, 2023 Comments Off on A one-day festival in Guelph’s Grooviest Neighbourhood, Sept. 21st 2024, Studio Tour 11 am. – 4 pm. News and Events Horizons Quilting

Ten am till ten pm – 18 venues all over the Ward

Praise the Ward

Open Studio Poster Praise the Ward

Music, visual art, theatre, workshops, food, a cra5 market, walking and cycling tours, kid’s activities.

An evening concert at the Guelph Li3le Theatre featuring ‘The Kramdens’ & ‘The Ward’

Daytme shows with

Shannon Kingsbury, Harri Palm, Ben Finley and annais linares, Adam and Rain, The Carey West Trio, Guh, Time Flies, David & Rowan, Sledd, the student bands from Jam School and much more.

Many activities are free!

Tickets 40 dollars or PWYC. Children 12 and under free available at www.praisetheward.com
or at the Double Rainbow Café

Schedule, map, and more info at www.praisetheward.com

Contact praisetheward@gmail.com or phone 226-971-9132

Poster Praise the Ward
Quilt Artist Joan Hug-Valeriote
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